Poster design for Narstalgia, a Royal College of Art production. ‘Narstalgia’ is a portmanteau (Narwhal & Nostalgia), witch was created by the film director Rob Chang Chien to address the issues of ecological grief and solastalgia in Greenland, Iceland, and other places in Arctic, and give the awareness of climate change to the public.

替好友張簡長倫設計他在 Royal College of Art 的畢業電影海報,電影名稱 Narstalgia 其實是由獨角鯨(Narwhal)與鄉愁(Nostalgia)這兩字的所組合的複合字,導演想藉由其名稱點出以格陵蘭與冰島為首的北極地區,所發生的一連串環境悲傷(Ecological Grief)與環境鄉痛(Solastalgia)等現象,以喚醒大眾對環境變遷的正視。
Poster, A3, 2020 


At some point last year, whilst on the tube, I found an article in a discarded copy of The Economist about loneliness in London. This article indicated that Britain is the ‘loneliness capital of Europe’. In fact, London struck me as a lonely city when I started my new life here one and a half years ago. As an international student, I was very excited about trying new things at the beginning of term; all the while, I felt quite frustrated with language barriers and cultural differences, which hindered my access to information and ability to communicate with my class as well as in daily life. According to research by the British charity The Forum, loneliness is also one of the toughest challenges facing migrants in London. 

Using this zine, I wanted to illustrate the problems with loneliness in London, through a combination of informative statistics and interviews conducted with migrants in the city. How does loneliness affect us in our day to day lives, and what can we learn from it?

Risograph Zine, 297 x 420mm, 12 pages, 2020
Work In Progress Show 2020, Royal College of Art, London, 2020

Loneliness is a subjective feeling and is hard to describe in words. Taking this into consideration, I asked all the interviewees to try and express their feelings of loneliness visually through a pencil sketch. These sketches formed the basis of my own illustrations in which I sought to empathise with my interviewees, and through geometric abstraction find a commonality between our experiences.


2018 ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎2020


2014 ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎2017


Poster design for Swing, a National Film and Television School production. I took inspiration from the title of the film and its connection with 1930s swing music. Below are two designs for this commission, the first of which was selected by the students at the NFTS and the second an alternative design.  Which one do you like more?

英國國家電影電視學院的學生電影海報設計,靈感來自這部電影對 swing 的隱喻與 1930 年代的搖擺樂 (Swing music)。除了最後的定案海報,我也放上了自己喜歡的提案。
Poster, 30" x 40", 2019
Client | National Film and Television School