Hello, I'm Boyu Chen, a dynamic designer specialising in digital products and graphic design. I excel in transforming challenges into creative design solutions that prioritise user needs. This website serves as a showcase for my graphic works.

MA in Visual Communication / Royal College of Art
Sep 2018 - Jul 2020 / London, United Kingdom

BA in Design / National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Sep 2008 - Jun 2011 / Taipei, Taiwan

Work Experience
Product Designer / Rytass
Jun 2021 - Present / Taipei, Taiwan

Co-Founder / Junction (Non-profit Organisation)
Mar 2019 - Nov 2020 / London, United Kingdom

Freelance Graphic Designer
May 2016 - Jun 2021 / Taipei, Taiwan & London, United Kingdom

Graphic Designer / Tomic Design Atelier
May 2014 - May 2016 / Taipei, Taiwan
Selected Clients & Collaborators
National Film and Television School
Royal College of Art
National Palace Museum
Taipei City Government
National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
ECUS Publishing House
Parenting Publishing
Sunrise Press
CITIC Press Group

Shortlisted for the 13th Golden Butterfly Award, Publishing Art in Taiwan, 2016

Award for Excellence, National Animation Contest for Vocational Education, Ministry of Education Taiwan, 2011

Degree Show 2020, Royal College of Art, 2020 / London, United Kingdom

Work in Progress Show 2020, Royal College of Art
2020 / London, United Kingdom

The Summer Exhibition, The Elephant West & Troubadour Trust
2019 / London, United Kingdom

HALF Photography Exhibition
2015 / Taipei, Taiwan