Zine pack made in dedication to Turtle Island, an isolated island about 10km away from Taiwan and the hometown of my father. I remembered my grandmother used to tell many stories of Turtle Island while she sewed clothes, so I have made sewing the theme throughout the whole issue. This issue contains a collection of postcards, tickets and poems, which can enable travelers to explore the history, culture, nature, and attractions of Turtle Island.  🐢

去年夏天第一次登上爸爸的故鄉龜山島 🐢,在旅行的過程中並沒有完善的「島」覽手冊,於是便著手做了一本。並以奶奶以往在縫衣服時訴說島上趣事為主題,以“線”的概念貫穿了整本手冊,包含了細線樣的標準字、一筆畫的插圖(明信片)、封面與票卷上的縫線,手冊內容則包含簡史、自然人文景觀介紹以及兩首有關龜山島的詩集。
Zine Pack , 200 x 145 mm, 2017
Self-initiated project

Logotype design:
I was inspired by the image of Turtle Island’s narrow and long profile to create a Chinese and English logotype.

Use one-line drawing presentation to show the form and echo the theme of the sutures.
